Learning with Honor

Value your own personal integrity -- it is of more importance than anything we learn in this class. We expect every student to engage honestly and fully in the course. Some guidelines:

  • We value humanity, intellectual joy, social connection, new skills, and gratitude.
  • Teach each other! We are all in this for one another.
  • Avoid publicly posting your solution code to assignments on the Ed forums. We want everybody to get a chance to discover their own solution.
  • Be welcoming. We are a diverse and wonderful community. There is no tolerance for discrimination of any kind.
  • If you are having trouble with the course or do not understand something that is communicated, please let us know about it so we can help.


We expect that all work you submit for daily projects and the final project is your own. Students will not be eligible to receive a completion certificate if Instructors or Section Leaders discover evidence that a submission has been copied from an outside source. We expect students to follow Stanford University's Honor Code Policy. For Computer Science, this includes following these three rules as outlined by the Computer Science Department:

Rule 1: You must not look at solutions or program code that are not your own.

It is an act of plagiarism to submit work that is copied or derived from the work of others and submitted as your own. For example, using a solution from the Internet or a solution from another student (past or present) or some other source, in part or in whole, that is not your own work is a violation of the Honor Code. Many Honor Code infractions we see make use of solution code found online. The best way to steer clear of this possibility is not to search for online solutions to the programming assignments. Moreover, looking at someone else's solution code in order to determine how to solve the problem yourself is also an infraction of the Honor Code. In essence, you should not be looking at someone else's code in order to solve the problems in this class. This is not an appropriate way to "check your work," "get a hint," or "see alternative approaches."

Rule 2: You must not share your solution code with other students.

In particular, you should not ask anyone to give you a copy of their code or, conversely, give your code to another student who asks you for it. Similarly, you should not discuss your algorithmic strategies to such an extent that you and your collaborators end up turning in the same code. Moreover, you are expected to take reasonable measures to maintain the privacy of your solutions. For example, you should not leave copies of your work on public computers nor post your solution code on a public website.

Rule 3: You must indicate on your submission any assistance you received.

If you received aid while producing your solution, you should indicate from whom you got help (if that person is not a section leader, TA, or instructor for this class) and what help you received. A proper citation should specifically identify the source (e.g., person's name, book title, website URL, etc.) and a clear indication of how this assistance influenced your work (be as specific as possible). For example, you might write "I discussed the approach used for sorting numbers in the sortNumbers method with Mary Smith." If you make use of such assistance without giving proper credit, you may be guilty of plagiarism.

It is also important to make sure that the assistance you receive consists of general advice that does not cross the boundary into having someone else write the actual code or show you their code. It is fine to discuss ideas and strategies, but you should be careful to write your programs on your own, as indicated in Rules 1 and 2.

If you are ever in doubt about what does or does not count as plagiarism, please ask your Section Leader or one of the Instructors.

Rules for Online Conduct

You agree to use the Sites in accordance with all applicable laws. You are responsible for your own communications, including the upload, transmission and posting of information, and are responsible for the consequences of their posting on or through the Site. You further agree that you will not email or post malicious or harmful content anywhere on the Site, or on any other Stanford computing resources including without limitation the following:

  • Content that defames or threatens others
  • Harassing statements or content that violates federal or state law
  • Content that discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them
  • Content that is not your own, or infringes another's intellectual property, including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks or trade secrets
  • Content related to partisan political activities
  • Material that contains obscene (i.e. pornographic) language or images
  • Advertising or any form of commercial solicitation or promotion, including links to other sites
  • Content that is otherwise unlawful
  • Intentionally incomplete, misleading or inaccurate content
  • Violations of Honor Code
  • Copyrighted material, including without limitation software, graphics, text, photographs, sound, video and musical recordings, may not be placed on the Site without the express permission of the owner of the copyright in the material, or other legal entitlement to use the material.

Ed Community Norms

Here are some community norms and expectations for Ed:

  • Always be respectful and kind to section leaders, students and instructors that you are engaging with on Ed
  • Search before you post
  • Heart questions and answers you find useful
  • Answer questions you feel confident answering
  • Share interesting course related content with staff and peers
  • Do not talk about groups of people like they are inferior. Homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, or other forms of discrimination are unacceptable and not tolerated.
  • Do not post any private information in Ed for everyone to see
  • Do not post any external links

Please be considerate. These are tough times for many, so please help your classmates and teachers out. CS Bridge is a learning experience free of unacceptable behavior. Bullying and other activities that have the potential to harm other participants is not allowed and will not be tolerated. CS Bridge and the community we create is a place all students should feel welcome in.