This demo shows a simple method that draws people with the bottom of their feet at the provided (x, y) position.
private void drawPerson(int x, int y)
public class DrawPeople extends GraphicsProgram { public void run() { drawPerson(50, 150); drawPerson(100, 300); drawPerson(500, 200); drawPerson(300, 250); drawPerson(700, 310); } private void drawPerson(int x, int y) { GRect body = new GRect(20, 80); body.setColor(Color.BLACK); body.setFilled(true); add(body, x - body.getWidth()/2, y - body.getHeight()); GRect arms = new GRect(40, 40); arms.setColor(Color.BLACK); arms.setFilled(true); add(arms, x - arms.getWidth()/2, y - 60); GOval head = new GOval(40, 40); head.setColor(Color.BLUE); head.setFilled(true); add(head, x - 20, y - 100); } }