All times listed on this handout are in Pacific Time.

Section Description

You will be attending a daily 1-hour discussion section in small groups with a Section Leader. For short, we just call this part of the class “section.”

  • Your section is when you’ll get practice with the new concepts you learned in lecture.
  • In section, we’ll answer questions, go over common errors or misconceptions, and discuss sample problems in more detail than we can in lecture.

We have a large team of wonderful Section Leaders, whose jobs are to facilitate each of these sections. One of them will specifically be your section leader for the entire course. You and a group of about 7 other students will attend their section every day. We hope you will all get to know each other throughout the course.

Time and Place of Section

  • Section will be held every night at 20:00 (in CZ) 21:00 (in TU).
  • The link for the section video conference will be posted by your Section Leader in the section "Ed".

Section Structure

Here’s how a standard section might work:

  1. Your Section Leader gives a recap of the important concepts from that week’s lectures.
  2. Your Section Leader introduces the sample problems you’ll be working on in section.
  3. You and your fellow students collaboratively come up with solutions to the problems, one step at a time, with the guidance of your Section Leader.
  4. You all help turn these solutions into actual Python code, which your Section Leader will type on their computer while showing you what’s on their screen, or you'll use the Workspace function on Ed.
  5. During your entire section, you and your classmates should ask any questions you have so you can all understand everything better.

Section works best when everybody participates and interacts with each other. If you have an idea for how to solve part of a problem or have a question about anything, please share it during your section. Our goal with section is to make sure you understand everything as well as you can.

Getting the Most out of Section

Staying up to date on the course material will help you get the most out of your discussion sections. That way, you’ll all be able to spend more time working on sample problems. Section will cover material from the day's lectures. Before attending your section every evening, please do your best to:

  • Pay attention during lecture
  • Use the work/office hours time to work on the projects
  • Be excited and prepared to participate in section :-)

And of course, please be respectful and considerate throughout this course, including (and especially) during your section. CS Bridge is a diverse and wonderful community. Please keep an open mind and engage fully and positively.

These are just our general guidelines. During your first section, your section leader will describe their own specific section norms and goals that they’d like to focus on with all of you.

Section Communication

You will be added to an Ed group specifically for your section. This group will include you, your section leader, and about 8 of your classmates. You’ll all meet each other in your first section.

  • Your Section Leader will use your section’s Ed group to post announcements related to section.
  • Feel free to post in this Ed group to connect more with the other students in your section.
  • For posts not directly related to section, use the main CS Bridge Ed group.

If you need to get in touch specifically with your section leader, make a private post (to staff only) in this group.

Attending Section

Sections will be held as a group video call over Zoom. Download the "Zoom Client for Meetings" version 5.1.2 here:

See your section’s Ed page for the specifics about how to attend your section from your computer (e.g. a Zoom link to your section’s video call). Your schedule with all of the Zoom links you need will be posted on your section Ed page.

Section Scheduling

You will attend the same section at the same time every evening (there might be a slight change on a day when there's a social activity but your Section Leader will make sure you are aware of this).

Where do I find my section time?

You will find your full schedule on your Ed section page.

When do sections start?

Sections start the first night of the course (Tuesday, August 4th)!

Personal Privacy and Safety in Section

We want to make sure that everybody in CS Bridge is in an environment that they feel comfortable in. This includes during section. To protect your privacy, do not share any personal information in section (this includes contact information or last name).

Finally, while we hope this will not be the case for anyone at any point during this course, if you encounter any misconduct during section or otherwise, please refer to the "process for reporting misconduct" outlined at the bottom of the general course information page. Creating and maintaining a safe and open community is of utmost importance to us.

Other Questions

We will answer your questions as they come up.
Please see: