Handouts: Graphics Reference

Fill in the draw_tree function that draws a tree with the base of its trunk centered at the provided (x, y) position.

The main function has already been written for you:

def main():
    canvas = Canvas(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT)
    canvas.set_canvas_title("Draw Trees")

    draw_tree(canvas, 50, 150)
    draw_tree(canvas, 100, 300)
    draw_tree(canvas, 500, 200)
    draw_tree(canvas, 300, 250)
    draw_tree(canvas, 700, 310)


Each tree should have a trunk with a width of 20 pixels (TRUNK_WIDTH) and a height of 80 pixels (TRUNK_HEIGHT). The leaves should have a radius of 30 pixels (LEAVES_RADIUS). Your output should look like this: