Hazırlayanlar: Eric Roberts tarafından yazılmış, Chris Piech ve Lisa Yan tarafından güncellenmiştir.
Çevirenler: Serhat Arslan, Ceren Kocaoğullar
Ders Notları: Grafikler Referansı
Bu resmi çizdiren bir program yazın. Verilmiş sabitleri (constant) kullanmalısınız, ama değerlerini (veya yüzün herhangi bir kısmının rengini) değiştirmekten çekinmeyin.
FACE_WIDTH = 300 # Robot yüzünün genişliği
FACE_HEIGHT = 350 # Robot yüzünün yüksekliği
EYE_DIAMETER = 70 # Robot gözünün çapı
EYE_Y_OFFSET = 40 # Başın tepesinden gözlerin tepesine kadar olan uzaklık
EYE_X_SEPARATION = 40 # Sağ ve sol göz arasındaki uzaklık
MOUTH_WIDTH = 150 # Ağzın genişliği
MOUTH_HEIGHT = 30 # Ağzın yüksekliği
MOUTH_Y_OFFSET = 200 # Başın tepesinden ağzın tepesine kadar olan uzaklık
LABEL_Y = 40 # Ekranın tepesinden yazının merkezine kadar olan uzaklık
""" File: robot_face.py ------------------- Draws an awesome robot face with eyes and a mouth, using functions. It also includes the text "Robot Face" at the top of the window. """ from graphics import Canvas # The dimensions of the robot face FACE_WIDTH = 300 FACE_HEIGHT = 350 # The diameter of each robot eye EYE_DIAMETER = 70 # The distance from the top of the head to the top of the eyes EYE_Y_OFFSET = 40 # The distance between the left eye and right eye EYE_X_SEPARATION = 40 # The dimensions of the robot mouth MOUTH_WIDTH = 150 MOUTH_HEIGHT = 30 # The distance from the top of the head to the top of the mouth MOUTH_Y_OFFSET = 200 # The distance from the top of the screen to the center of the text LABEL_Y = 40 def main(): canvas = Canvas() canvas.set_canvas_title("Robot Face") draw_head(canvas) draw_mouth(canvas) draw_eyes(canvas) draw_label(canvas) canvas.mainloop() def draw_head(canvas): """ Draws a yellow rectangle in the center of the screen representing the head for the robot. """ x = (canvas.get_canvas_width() - FACE_WIDTH) / 2 y = (canvas.get_canvas_height() - FACE_HEIGHT) / 2 head = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + FACE_WIDTH, y + FACE_HEIGHT) canvas.set_fill_color(head, "yellow") def draw_mouth(canvas): """ Draws the mouth as a black rectangle at the appropriate offset from the top of the face, centered horizontally. """ head_x = (canvas.get_canvas_width() - FACE_WIDTH) / 2 head_y = (canvas.get_canvas_height() - FACE_HEIGHT) / 2 mouth_x = head_x + (FACE_WIDTH - MOUTH_WIDTH) / 2 # mouth offset is from top of the head mouth_y = head_y + MOUTH_Y_OFFSET mouth = canvas.create_rectangle(mouth_x, mouth_y, mouth_x + MOUTH_WIDTH, mouth_y + MOUTH_HEIGHT) canvas.set_fill_color(mouth, "black") def draw_eyes(canvas): """ Draws both eyes as filled ovals at the appropriate offset from the top of the face, centered horizontally and spaced apart according to EYE_X_SEPARATION. """ head_y = (canvas.get_canvas_height() - FACE_HEIGHT) / 2 # eye offset is from the top of the head eye_y = head_y + EYE_Y_OFFSET eye_x = canvas.get_canvas_width() / 2 - EYE_X_SEPARATION / 2 - EYE_DIAMETER draw_eye(canvas, eye_x, eye_y, "blue") eye_x += EYE_DIAMETER + EYE_X_SEPARATION draw_eye(canvas, eye_x, eye_y, "green") def draw_eye(canvas, x, y, color): """ Draws an eye (a circle) with top-left corner at the specified location, and with the specified fill color. The eye is EYE_DIAMETER big. """ eye = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + EYE_DIAMETER, y + EYE_DIAMETER) canvas.set_fill_color(eye, color) def draw_label(canvas): """ Draws a "Robot Face" text label on the screen centered horizontally, in large font. """ label = canvas.create_text(canvas.get_canvas_width() / 2, LABEL_Y, "Robot Face") canvas.set_font(label, "Times New Roman", 44) if __name__ == "__main__": main()