Hazırlayanlar: Chris ve Julia tarafından yazıldı.
Çevirenler: Serhat Arslan, Demet Tümkaya
Ders Notları: Graphics Reference
Bu program, bir kareyi ekranın merkezine ulaşana kadar hareket ettirir. Kare, sol taraftan başlar.
""" File: move_to_center.py ------------------- Moves a square from the left edge to the center of the screen. """ import time from graphics import Canvas SQUARE_SIZE = 100 ANIMATION_DELAY_SECONDS = 0.02 SQUARE_MOVE_AMOUNT = 2 def main(): canvas = Canvas() canvas.set_canvas_title("Move to Center") # draw a square on the left side of the screen, centered y = (canvas.get_canvas_height() - SQUARE_SIZE) / 2 square = canvas.create_rectangle(0, y, SQUARE_SIZE, y + SQUARE_SIZE) canvas.set_color(square, "black") # move horizontally until we get to the center target_x = (canvas.get_canvas_width() - canvas.get_width(square)) / 2 while canvas.get_left_x(square) < target_x: canvas.move(square, SQUARE_MOVE_AMOUNT, 0) time.sleep(ANIMATION_DELAY_SECONDS) canvas.update() canvas.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()