Hazırlayan: Chris Piech
Çevirenler: Serhat Arslan, Ceren Kocaoğullar
Ders Notları: Grafikler Referansı
Ekranda rastgele konumlarda 1000 adet daire oluşturacağız. Sol alt köşeye daha yakın olan daireler mavi olurken sağ üste yakın olanlar yeşil olacak. Bu örnek döndürülen (return) değerlere dair bir örnek.
Her daire 20 piksele 20 piksel.
Her dairenin tam olarak tuval üzerine çizildiğine dikkat edin.
fonksiyon çağrısı daireler çizerken her seferinde 2 milisaniye bekliyor.
""" File: half_green.py ------------------- Draws circles randomly, where circles in the top-right half are green and circles in the bottom-left half are blue. """ from graphics import Canvas import random import time # The size of the canvas CANVAS_WIDTH = 500 CANVAS_HEIGHT = 500 # The diameter of each circle CIRCLE_SIZE = 20 # The number of circles to draw NUM_CIRCLES = 1000 def main(): canvas = Canvas(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT) canvas.set_canvas_title("Half Green") # Draw 1000 for i in range(NUM_CIRCLES): x = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_width() - CIRCLE_SIZE) y = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_height() - CIRCLE_SIZE) circle = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + CIRCLE_SIZE, y + CIRCLE_SIZE) # Set both the fill and outline color to be either green or blue canvas.set_color(circle, get_color(x, y)) canvas.update() time.sleep(0.002) canvas.mainloop() def get_color(x, y): """ Returns the name of the color the circle with top-left coordinate (x, y) should have. Since (0, 0) is the top-left corner of the canvas, x increases as we go to the right, and y increases as we go down. So the line y = x is the diagonal line from top-left to bottom right. If y < x, the dot is above this line (in the top-right corner), so it's green. If y >= x, the dot is at or below this line (in the bottom-left corner, so it's blue. """ if x > y: return "green" return "blue" if __name__ == "__main__": main()