Write a program that lets the user add random ovals and rectangles to the canvas with a specified color. Specifically, it should have a toolbar at the top of the window with a text field to enter a color, and two buttons: one to create an oval of that color, and one to create a rectangle of that color. Clicking one of those buttons should create that shape with the typed-in color with a random location and size.

Notes on Interactors

An interactor is a text field or a button - an interactive element that can appear around the perimeter of the canvas window. Here's how to use them.


You can create a button with the create_button function, specifying the text of the button, and whether it should be added to the top, left, bottom, or right side of the window:

canvas.create_button("Create Rectangle", Canvas.TOP)

You can check if a button is clicked just like you check for mouse clicks or keyboard presses. In your program's main loop, call get_new_button_clicks() to get a list of recent clicks. Each click will be the name of the button that was clicked (e.g. "Create Rectangle", for the above button). Here's an example:

button_clicks = canvas.get_new_button_clicks()
for button_click in button_clicks:
    if button_click == "Create Rectangle":

Text Fields

You can create a text field with the create_text_field function, specifying the text describing the text field, and whether it should be added to the top, left, bottom, or right side of the window:

canvas.create_text_field("Color", Canvas.TOP)

The name you specify will be both the "name" of the text field and also the text that appears next to the text field describing its purpose to users.

To get the current contents of the text field, use the get_text_field_text function, specifying the name of the text field you want to read from (e.g. "Color", for the above text field):

color = canvas.get_text_field_text("Color")


File: colored_shapes.py
A program that adds shapes at random locations on the canvas.  The user can specify both
the type of shape and the color to use via interactors.

from graphics import Canvas
import random

# The min and max dimensions for the shapes added to the canvas.

def main():
    canvas = Canvas()
    canvas.set_canvas_title("Colored Shapes")

    # Create the interactors (text field and 2 buttons)
    canvas.create_text_field("Color", Canvas.TOP)
    canvas.create_button("Create Oval", Canvas.TOP)
    canvas.create_button("Create Rectangle", Canvas.TOP)

    while True:
        button_clicks = canvas.get_new_button_clicks()
        for button_click in button_clicks:

            # Get the contents of the color text field
            color = canvas.get_text_field_text("Color")

            # Create the shape corresponding to the button clicked, of the specified color
            if button_click == "Create Oval":
                create_random_oval_with_color(canvas, color)
            elif button_click == "Create Rectangle":
                create_random_rectangle_with_color(canvas, color)



def create_random_oval_with_color(canvas, color):
    Creates an oval with a random size and location on the canvas, with the given color.
    width = random.randint(MIN_SHAPE_SIZE, MAX_SHAPE_SIZE)
    height = random.randint(MIN_SHAPE_SIZE, MAX_SHAPE_SIZE)
    x = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_width() - width)
    y = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_height() - height)

    # Create with given color
    oval = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + width, y + height)
    canvas.set_color(oval, color)

def create_random_rectangle_with_color(canvas, color):
    Creates a rectangle with a random size and location on the canvas, with the given color.
    width = random.randint(MIN_SHAPE_SIZE, MAX_SHAPE_SIZE)
    height = random.randint(MIN_SHAPE_SIZE, MAX_SHAPE_SIZE)
    x = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_width() - width)
    y = random.randint(0, canvas.get_canvas_height() - height)

    # Create with given color
    rect = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + width, y + height)
    canvas.set_color(rect, color)

if __name__ == '__main__':